The whitepaper "Application of nuclear technology for superyachts" presents an overview on the potential field of application for nuclear technology on a superyacht platform.
A nuclear-powered superyacht has the potential to become a more tangible reality within the next decade.
The “small modular concept” combined with new advanced nuclear technologies promises simplified designs, a reduction in cost due to increased replication, and enhanced safety. Several SMR designs are being developed specifically for marine applications: according to technology providers, it is plausible that safety levels on nuclear-powered ships will be higher than that of traditional diesel-powered vessel.
Regulatory bodies will have to ramp up the ongoing efforts to update legislation suitable for the new nuclear. Ultimately, international regulations and new standards will have to be established by organisations such as the IMO and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In parallel with the regulatory framework, the insurance market will have to react to the new nuclear enabling the finance and funding of nuclear yachts.
The hardest obstacle in the way of splitting the atom as a viable futuristic source of superyacht energy remains public opinion. Educational campaigns will serve the purpose of positioning the new nuclear as a publicly accepted energy option for the future.