My city adoRES green buildings, and yours? -

My city adoRES green buildings, and yours?

My city adoRES green buildings, and yours?

28 Nov 2018

As partner of ABRACADABRA, we invite all the local authorities to support this innovative H2020 project

ABRACADABRA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 696126 in order to demonstrate a new renovation strategy based on volumetric Add-ons and Renewables (AdoRES).

AdoRES are one (or a set of) Assistant Building unit(s) - like aside or façade additions, rooftop extensions or even an entire new building construction - that “adopt” the existing buildings (the so called Assisted Buildings) to achieve nearly zero energy.

In fact, a substantial increase in the quality and quantity of refurbishment of the existing building stock - both public and private - can play a key role in the implementation of the economic, environmental and social agendas of local authorities.

In particular, volumetric additions, such as those of AdoRES concept, can become a core component of municipal densification strategies and constitute a versatile tool for fostering urban sustainability.

All the benefits for the municipalities

Local Authorities committing to explore and use the AdoRES strategy developed by ABRACADABRA can benefit from:

  • A set of case studies throughout 8 EU countries to learn, get inspired and be supported from;
  • A set of regulatory, technical and financial toolkits to run feasibility studies on buildings that could potentially be objects of renovation by using the AdoRes strategy.
  • A strong synergy with the commitments initiated with the Covenant of Mayors (CoM, visit the official website) and connections with several members of the CoM community

More than 12 EU cities, such as Liège (Belgium), Marousi (Greece) and Bologna (Italy), already support ABRACADABRA

Giorgia Spigliantini

Case study


Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation