Hollandse Kust Noord

Hollandse Kust Noord Export Cable Survey

Business Period Client Location
Energy 2018 TenneT TSO Dutch Sector, North Sea


The Dutch government has set out a roadmap to bring more offshore wind energy to the mainland. The program calls for connection of an additional 3,500 MW of offshore wind power by 2023. This energy will be produced in three zones: Borssele, Hollandse Kust (south) and Hollandse Kust (north). The grid operator Tennet TSO is responsible for this scale up.


TenneT retained RINA for cable route surveys to connect future HKN and HKWN wind parks to the onshore grid. The scope of work includes offshore/onshore geophysical surveys (MBES, SSS, SBP, magnetometer), UXO clearance geotechnical sampling, and laboratory testing for cable burial assessment for the offshore routes and at the onshore cable landfall points.

Field work included:


  • Geophysical (5,000 line-km)
  • UXO clearance (83 locations)
  • Geotechnical sampling, CPT and Thermal Resistivity (83 locations)


  • Geophysical
  • Topographic
  • Seismic Refraction
  • UXO
  • Archaeological


Results of the various surveys were integrated with geotechnical laboratory testing developing a comprehensive ground model for subsequent cable installation/trenching design and tenders.

Martin Carruth